We're here to help.


- We do it all, we organize and oversee all transportation and delivery logistics
- We're quick, our average turnaround time is less than three days
- We're everywhere, we move to and from any part of the country, with over 300 community partners ready to receive your food
- We're Flexible, we work with all quantities, packaging, and produce of any form

Food Donation Logistics
- We figure out the pieces, by facilitating all necessary communication with hunger fighting charities (i.e. food banks)
- We have accessible invoice tracking for all your donations through The Farmlink Project

Complete Service
- Fight Food Insecurity: Over 40 million Americans face hunger on a regular basis. When you donate food through Farmlink that would otherwise go to waste, you are adding food back into a system that needs your help
- Help the Environment: Reduce carbon emissions and ensure the environmental inputs that go into your produce do not contribute to the 60 billion lbs in the food pipeline.

Positive Social Impact
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