The Environmental Opportunity of Food Recovery
What if we could feed billions of people while healing the planet?

For the first time in human history, we produce enough food to feed everyone.
Globally, farmers are producing over 22 billion pounds of produce every single day – enough to feed every single person on this planet nearly two times over.
Globally, farmers are producing over 22 billion pounds of produce every single day – enough to feed every single person on this planet nearly two times over.
The Environmental Cost of That Scale
Food is the #1 material in landfills.
For every 10 pounds of food produced in the US, 4 pounds go to waste. When food goes to the landfill, it's similar to tying food in a plastic bag. The nutrients in the food never return to the soil.

Food should feed communities, not heat our planet.
Sharing the surplus
A food secure world relies on a climate secure world.
There's enough to go around for everyone. By redistributing fresh food into communities, we make the most of what's available to us. We create a convenient, climate-positive option for farmers to join us in the global climate call to action to reduce methane emissions and eradicate hunger in our lifetimes.
Wasted food isn't just wasted food.
Wasted food isn't just wasted food. It represents a loss of money, transportation, production, packaging, labor, water, and energy.
It represents a loss of

$161 billion worth of food is wasted annually. The money lost from 2 years of food waste in the U.S. could eradicate global hunger and malnutrition for an entire year.*
*The Estimated Amount, Value, and Calories of Postharvest Food Losses at the Retail and Consumer Levels in the United States" (USDA,2018)

The average distance food moves from farm to distribution center is 1500 miles in the U.S.

In the United States, agricultural land covers 140 million acres, equal to 106 million football fields.

The energy lost from food waste in the United States is capable of powering more than 50 million U.S. homes. That's nearly 36% of all homes.

From the farmers, packers, and distributors... to the truck drivers, fork lifters, and shippers... to the food banks, community organizers, and volunteers... It takes a whole village to bring food to our tables.

5.9 trillion gallons of water is wasted every year from food loss and waste alone. That's the same amount of water 50 million of homes use every year.



Fighting food waste and hunger is our mission— repurposing surplus produce is our solution.
It's a win-win-win situation, and everyone gets to celebrate! Families get nutritious food, the planet cools down, and farmers save big on storage and disposal fees. So go ahead, dig in, and savor the fruits of this triple win!
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